Symbol |
Description |
Acid |
Bitter, offense, Hatred, sarcasm, carrying a grudge |
Adultery |
Sin, idolatry, pornography, dishonor of marriage vows |
Airport |
The church, family, preparation, preparing to fly in the Spirit, delay, tarry, change, power over demonic forces, provision of nourishment, both natural or spiritual, image of approaching terror.
Alabaster Box |
perfume vase, fragrance of Jesus Christ's sacrifice and brokenness |
Algum |
temple timber, Jesus Christ’s humanity, red sandal wood. |
Almond |
wakeful, hastening tree, Christ in resurrection |
Aloes |
symbols of fragrance |
Altar |
stone, brass, bold, death, incense, place of sacrifice and slaughter, high lifted up |
Amethyst |
12 stones in high priest breastplate, royal priesthood |
Amphitheater |
magnification; being heard
Anchor |
security, hope, safety |
Anoint |
set aside for service, sanctification |
Ant |
wiser, diligent, angry words, nuisance |
Antiques |
Past, Inherited from our forefathers (good or evil), memories |
Apparel |
man's covering |
Apples |
Fruit, Words, sin, temptation, appreciation, fruit of the Spirit |
Ark/Covenant |
throne and presence of God, humanity and deity in Christ, Mediator |
Armies |
good or evil, spiritual power and strength |
Armor |
divine equipment for warfare |
Arrow |
silent judgments, swift, blessing of children, focus, accusation from the enemy |
Ashes |
Memories, repentance, ruin, destruction, sorrow, desolation |
Atom Bomb |
Holy Spirit outpouring, miracle power, sudden destruction |
Atonement |
Calvary, wrath, redemption, appeasement of God's wrath |
Attic |
Of the spirit, the mind, thought, right and/or wrong attitudes, stored, memories, learning, Spirit realm, upper room.
Atrium |
light and growth from heaven
Auto Repair Shop |
ministry restoration, renewal and repair
Autumn |
End, completion, change, repentance |
Axe |
Gospel, preaching, exhorting others, rebuke, repentance, warfare and judgment |
Awl |
ear mark of the love slave |
Back |
previous event or experience, past sins or the sins of forefathers, unaware, hidden |
Back Porch |
history, past
Balance |
judgment, honesty
Baldness |
humility, weakness
Balm |
healing ministry
Bank |
Reward reserved in heaven, the church, storage, safe, safeguarded, security, protected, money changers in temple driven out.
Banner |
standard exalted high
Banquet |
Having plenty and being well satisfied with needs, affluence and luxury, abundance, joy and blessings, not regarding the Lord by partying, church, service, systematic serving of the Word of God, choosing what you want as opposed to receiving what you need, honoring guest, worship, celebrating victory.
Barbershop |
Changing customs, habits and traditions, covenant of sins, religiousness, turning from wrong beliefs and strong opinions, the church as either a place of vanity, or repentance.
Barley |
Passover, lowliness, low reputation, poverty
Barn |
blessings, Church, provision, place to stored up wealth, deliverance, workplace, security, plenty.
Barrenness |
Baseball Cards |
Hero worship, Esteem for another person
Basement |
Storage place, flooding, hidden, forgotten, carnal nature, lust, depression, secret sin.
Basket |
life's provision
Bat |
witchcraft, unstable, flighty, fear
Bathing |
Cleansing, sanctification, repentance, temptation
Bathrobe |
coming out of a place of cleansing
Bathroom |
Repentance, confession, desire, cleansing, removing, expelling
Bathroom in full view |
humbling season, others aware of cleansing, transparency
Beam |
support rafter, strength
Beard |
covering, old age and wisdom, humanity
Beauty Shop |
Preparation, vanity, holiness, Church, service, systematic serving of the Word of God, choosing what you want as opposed to receiving what you need, honoring guest, worship, celebrating victory.
Bed |
Rest, salvation, meditation, intimacy, peace, covenant, self-made
Bedroom |
Rest, privacy, peace, good covenants and wrong covenants, intimacy;
slumbering, laziness.
Bee |
painful, strong demonic attack
Bells |
change, God's presence, vanity, pride
Belly |
desire, lust, heart, feelings, selfishness, self-worship, sickness
Bestiality |
Inordinate lust, unnatural, deviant sex acts, obscene
Bikini |
Uncovered, carnal, seduction, temptation, insufficient covering
Bind |
subdue, conquering
Bingo |
Winner or Correct: Sudden victory, correct answer, idea or understanding.
Binoculars |
insight, understanding, prophetic vision, future event
Black Panther |
high level witchcraft, demonic activity, works in darkness
Bleeding |
wounded, hurt, naturally or emotionally, spiritually dying, offended, in strife, gossip, unclean
Blemish |
Imperfections of human nature
Blind |
Ignorance, Unseeing, without understanding, foolish, self-justification and self-righteousness, hatred, sealed, unlearned
Blindness |
lack of discernment, insight, ignorance
Blood |
Sacrifice, life of the flesh, covenant, murder, defiled, unclean, pollution, purging, testimony, witness, guilt
Blood Transfusion |
Change: regeneration, salvation, deliverance
Body Odor |
Uncleanness, bad attitude, filthiness of the flesh, rejected
Bones |
Spirit: condition of the heart, death, that which is eternal
Book |
reading, eating of the book, human thought, divine revelation
Bottle |
source of supply, sustenance
Bow/Arrows |
Judgment, Words or persons, accusations, slander, gossip, prayer, deliverance, Tongue, Power
Boxing |
striving, preaching, deliverance, trail, tribulation
Bracelet |
betrothal, pledge
Brass |
Judgment of sin, hardness of heart, strength, Christ's glory, willful disobedience
Bramble |
fruitlessness, curse
Bread |
Life, Word, doctrine, covenant, the Church, substance, provision
Bread (Moldy) |
Unfit, tradition, without revelation, stale, defiled
Breastplate |
Breathe |
active life
Brick |
Human effort, slavery, imitation stone
Bridle |
Control, restraint
Briers |
Snare: Obstacle, hindrance, trail, wicked person, rejected, cursed.
Broom |
Cleaning or Witchcraft: Clean house (put away sin). {manipulation and control}
Bubble Gum |
Childish: Foolishness, immaturity
Building |
The church itself, congregation, an actual service, life choices, edification, new body after resurrection.
Butter |
Works: Doing (or not doing) the Word or will of God. Deceptive motives, words, or works: smooth talker, deceiver.
Butterfly |
freedom, flighty, fragile, glory, transformation
Cake |
divine food.
Calendar |
Time: Date; event; appointment..
Candle |
Light, romance, ambiance, source of warmth, beauty, poverty, shame
Castle |
authority, fortress, royal residence
Censor |
worship, intercession
Chain |
oppression, punishment, bondage
Check |
Childhood home |
Something from the past that is influencing you today for good or evil, same for a church; family
Christmas |
gifts, season of rejoicing, spiritual gifts, good will, commercialism
Circle |
Covenant, wholeness, completeness, eternity
City |
safety, security, refuge, Characteristics of what the city in the dream is known for, the church, the nature and virtue or lack of in a person, New Jerusalem the City of our God, apostate church
Classroom |
Small group ministry within the church, God's call of one chosen for learning and teaching, training; center of learning, five fold ministry.
Clothing that doesn't fit |
walking in something you're not called to
Cloud |
dive presence, covering, guidance
Coat |
mantle, anointing
College |
Highest level of learning, promotion in the Spirit, strong meat
Colt |
stubbornness, bearing others burdens
Corn |
Countryside |
A quiet time; space to think, peace and tranquility.
Courthouse |
Time of trial, balance of mercy and judgment, persecution, judgment.
County General Store |
provision; basics, staples
Credit Card |
presumption, lack of trust, attempting to walk in something that you don’t have yet, debt
Crow |
hateful, outspoken, unclean, confusion
Crown |
symbol of authority, to reign, seal of power, Jesus Christ, honor, reward.
Cultural Clothing |
missionary calling
Cup |
health, life, death, evil
Cymbal |
praise, worship, vibration
Dart |
curses, demonic attack, accuracy
Den |
Relaxed fellowship, too relaxed, notice where the focus is.
Desert |
solitude, temptation, desolation
Dining Room |
The table of the Lord, communion with the Lord or with the brethren, feeding on the Word.
Dirty and neglected |
Church or home in need of attention.
Dirty Snow |
Door |
entrance, opening
Dove |
Holy Spirit
Drugs |
spell, witchcraft, control, medicine, influence, healing
Earthquake |
upheaval, change by crisis, God's judgment, disaster, trauma, shock, shaking
East |
beginning, birth, first, false religions
East Wind |
hardship, judgment
Elementary School |
Beginning level of walk with God, milk.
Elevator |
elevated, demoted, going into the realm of the spirit, changing position, going down – demotion, trial, backsliding
Factory |
Smooth service to God and organized or the opposite, the church working properly, unorganized, fervor in service.
Farm |
place of provision
Feathers |
protection, covering
Fig |
Israel as a nation
Fig leaves |
self-made coverings, taking care of one's self, self atoning
Fire |
presence of God, anointing, cleansing, angels, purifying
Flies |
evil spirits, Beelzebub, occult
Flood |
abundance, great harvest, increase, judgment on sin and violence, extending borders
Flower |
beauty, blossom, blessings, withered, fading, lack, reproductive
Fog |
uncertainty, confusion, temporary, clouded thoughts
Forest |
nations, obstacles, journey
Fortress |
stronghold, The Lord, fortified place, protection
Foundation |
refreshing, flowing water, wellspring, important foundational issues, established, stable or unstable, the gospel, sound doctrine, church government
Fountain |
stable, a beginning, established on God's Word
Front |
prophecy of future events, current, immediate
Front Porch |
vision, future
Fruited Trees |
Garage |
Protection, storage, ministry potential for outreach.
Garden |
growth, comfort, fertility, feelings of inner peace, Increase, work, ministry, church, pleasant, fruitfulness, prospering, pastime, field of labor, a person’s heart, love, intimacy
Gas Station |
receiving power, refilling or “refueling” of the Spirit, empowering
Gate |
spiritual authority, entrance point for good or evil, entrance
Gold |
riches of the glory of God, enduring capacity of the believer as overcomer, unchanging holiness
Grapes |
fruitfulness, success in life, evidence of being connected to Christ, fruit of the vine, faithfulness
Grasshopper |
drought, pestilence, destruction
Gun |
spiritual authority good or bad, spiritual attack
Hail |
destruction, bombardment, judgment
Hallway |
transition that is usually direct or without deviation
Hammer |
Word of God
Harp |
Worship to God, Praise
Helmet |
mind, protection for thoughts
Hen |
protects, one who protects, motherhood
High-rise building |
high spiritual calling or high spiritual perspective
High-School |
Promotion in level of dreamer to a higher level or could be of teaching being received or given.
Honey |
sweet, strength, wisdom, Spirit of God, the abiding anointing, the sweet Word of our Lord, the best of the land, abundance
Hospital |
Ministry of healing, place to caring, love, wounded church in need of healing, place of healing because of hearing the Gospel, learning of Christ God's Son, extended to the broken hearted, healing as a result of repentance, turning from backsliding, because of faithfulness, healing from spiritual sickness or there because of it, healing from being obedient and following God's will.
Hotel |
Temporary, migratory, socially accepted place to gather, changing church, transition, place to relax or receive
House |
The true church, or one's own home, person or family, dwelling place, Tabernacle or Temple of God, heaven, security or insecurity depending on dream, center of the family or family of God, people in the church are the household of God, our present life and its condition, place to relax and be entertained with ungodly things, people in the church are the members of His household, resting place, place to return to, reference to ones character or reputation; place where evil demonic spirits dwell, the human body or body as an earthly tent, our body as a place for God and His Spirit to live.
Ice |
slippery, dangerous, hard saying
Iron |
Power, strongholds, stubborn, strength, blight, strict rules, judgment, crushing power
Jail |
bondage, rebellion, addiction
Jewels |
wealth, spiritual gifts, anointings, treasures, inheritance, rank, pleasure, riches, people of God
Key |
spiritual authority, wisdom, understanding, ability, Jesus.
Kitchen |
Preparation for teaching or preaching, heart of the matter, hunger for the Word, motives, revealing.
Knife |
brutal attack or gossip, protection
Ladder |
ascending or descending, promotion or demotion, going higher into the things of God, portal of heavenly activity
Lead |
Heaviness, burden, sinfulness
Leavened cake |
offering permeated by sinfulness of man.
Left |
weakness, God's strength or ability, rejected
Left Turn |
spiritual change
Lemons |
sour, a poor sport
Library |
Exploration into knowledge, knowledge stored up, schooling, abundance of the Word, earthly, sensual wisdom.
Living Room |
Formal fellowship of church or family or friends.
Lobster |
not easy to approach
Mall |
market place, provision for all your needs in one place, Negative – self centeredness, materialism
Manna |
God's miraculous provision, something coming directly from God, glory of God, bread of life
Meat |
something meant for the spiritually mature, depth in God's word
Mice |
plague, timid, curse, devourer
Microphone |
influence, ministry, authority, being heard
Microwave |
impatience, quick work, convenient, sudden
Middle or Junior High |
Level of maturity of person or teaching being given or received, or of one's walk.
Milk |
good nourishment, elementary teaching
Mirror |
God’s Word, a person’s heart, vanity
Mobile Home |
temporary place, condition or relationship, movement, easily movable, poverty.
Mole |
spiritual blindness
Money |
gain or loss of favor, power, provision, wealth, spiritual riches, authority, strength of man, covetousness, greed
Monkey |
foolishness, clinging, mischief, dishonesty, addiction
Mountain |
place of encountering God, obstacle, difficulty, challenge, Kingdom, nation
Mountain Lion |
enemy, Satan, predator seeking to destroy
Moth |
deception, destruction
Nail |
Security, establish
Nation |
Nation may represent actual nation, known characteristics of the nation.
Nest |
Home, place to dwell
Net |
catcher, catching men
New |
New birth, change for the better or worse according to the condition of the home, fresh move of the Spirit, revival
North |
judgment, heaven, spiritual warfare
Nose |
discernment, breath
Octopus |
Jezebel spirit
Office building |
getting things accomplished, productivity
Oil |
anointing, Holy Spirit
Old |
Old man or ways, past, spiritual inheritance, religious traditions, natural inheritance.
Oven |
judgment, testing
Ox |
slow change, subsistence
Pajamas |
spiritual slumber
Palace |
heaven, royalty
Palm Tree |
Victory, worship
Park |
Worship, enjoying God, playful, garden experience, rest, tranquility, transient's home.
Pasture |
spiritual nourishment
Pearl |
spiritual truth
Pears |
long life, pear trees have long life, enduring much without complaining
Pen/Pencil |
Tongue, covenant, contract, agreement, publish, vow, record, gossip
Pig |
ignorance, hypocrisy, religious unbelievers, unclean people, selfish, vicious
Pillar |
strength, assistance, steadfast
Pit |
Hell, sepulcher, tomb, entrapment, enticement, self ruination, prison
Plow |
breaking new ground
Plumbline |
measuring of a life, standards of God
Porch |
Outreach and evangelism to the church, public place, exhibited, displayed, exposed.
Prison |
Lost souls, Christian held captive by the enemy, rebellion, lawlessness, bondage, persecuted saints, slavery, Sheol or Hades, imprisoned unjustly, release from prison is God's blessing, confinement of personal circumstances, a spiritual condition that is fallen, death, in need of recognition to God.
Pumpkin |
change of the seasons, harvest time, symbol of affection, witchcraft, deception, snare; witch, trick
Raccoon |
mischief, night raider, rascal, thief, bandit, deceitful
Rain |
blessing, cleansing, trouble from enemy (dirty)
Rainbow |
Ram |
Rat |
unclean spirit, invader, feeds on garbage or impurities
Raven |
evil, Satan
Restaurant |
Place of ministry, atmosphere is important, church with good or bad teaching and serving ministry of the Word; gluttony.
Right |
authority, power,the strength of man, power of God revealed through man, accepted, place of favor
Rings |
revival, refreshing
River |
revival, refreshing
Roach |
infestation, hidden sin, unclean spirits
Robe |
covering, royalty
Rock |
stability, Christ our rock
Rod |
rule, correction, guidance
Roof |
The mind, meditation, logic or natural, shield or covering of protection, heavenly revelation, prayer, declaration, complete overview, ability to see all, both good and evil.
Root |
offspring, spiritual source
Rope |
bondage, binding
Rose |
Christ and His Church
Rubies |
Value, worth, significance
Salt |
Covenant, incorruptibility
Sand |
Sapphires |
Beauty, true judgment, gifts of discerning of spirits, works of perfection, value
School |
Church, place of teaching and discipleship, people or work, training; teaching ministry.
Scorpion |
evil men, pinch of pain, infestation
Sea |
wicked nations
Serpent |
Satan, evil spirits
Shack |
Sheep |
the people of God, innocent, vulnerable, humility, submission, sacrifice
Shield |
faith, protection, God's truth, faith in God
Shoes |
Gospel of peace
Shopping Center |
Too much to choose from, churches within the church, view of spiritual, soulish and political atmosphere that is in a church or a community or nation or even in your heart, not to be in temple of God or present during worship, leaders there to show off how grand they are, can be dishonest gain, wisdom calls out to the people there..
Shorts |
a walk or calling that is partially fulfilled
Silver |
Understanding,knowledge, purity, cleanliness, redemption, furnace of adversity
Skins |
Skunk |
stinking up a situation, unforgiveness, bitterness, bad attitude
Skyscraper |
Prophetic church of great revelation, high places, above earthly experience, higher spiritual things, Mt. Zion, sacrifice of worship, Mt. Sinai and the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple, Songs of ascent unto Him, Tower of Babel, Mt. Carmel, dominance, control, obstacle, Jesus returning from the heavens to earth, symbolic of victory
Sloth |
slow moving, easy prey, vulnerable
Smoke |
blinding power
Snake |
deception, lies, Satan, unforgiveness, bitterness
Snow |
blessing, refreshing, righteousness, purity, grace
Snow Blizzard |
storm that blinds you or obstructs your vision, inability to see
Snow Drift |
blessing, refreshing, righteousness, purity, grace
South |
sin, world, temptation, trial, flesh, corruption, deception
Sparrow |
small value but precious, watched by the Lord
Speedo |
to move fast in the spirit
Spider |
barrier, hindrance, opposition
Spider Web |
ensnaring, a trap, place of demonic attack
Spring |
revival, fresh start, renewal, new beginning, regeneration
Stadium |
place of tremendous impact.
Staircase |
up: promotion, down, demotion, backsliding, failure, heavenly portal, up or down in the spirit and anointing, steps that need to be taken
Stars |
generations, Israel
Steps |
signs of spiritual progress
Stone |
signs of spiritual progress
Storm |
disturbance, change, spiritual warfare, judgment, sudden calamity or destruction, turbulent times, trial, opposition
Strawberries |
goodness, excellence in nature and virtue, healing, sweet, very humble
Summer |
harvest, opportunity, heat of affliction
Sun |
light, brightness, glory, Christ
Swimming Pool |
place of spiritual refreshing, a place of God’s Spirit, immersed in God, dirty water can indicate spiritual pollution, corruption or backslidden condition
Swimwear |
ability to move in the Spirit
Sword |
Scriptures, Word of God, Christ, far reaching, authority
Tattered Clothing |
mantle or anointing that's not being taken care of
Teeth |
consuming power
Television |
spiritual sight and understanding, entertainment, fleshly cravings and desires, fleshly spirit, love of the world
Tent |
temporary place of rest, meeting place with God
Theater |
on display, visible, going to be shown something, clarity, spiritual sight, fleshly lust
Tiger |
danger, powerful minister, soul power, demonic spirit
Tin |
cheap, flimsy, imitation, dross
Tomato |
kindness, big hearted, generous, danger, drastic change, destruction, winds of change, judgment
Tongue |
speech, language
Tortoise |
slow change, slow moving, steady, old way of doing something, wise
Train |
unceasing work, connected, fast, Church, continuous
Trap |
danger, trick, snare
Trees |
leaders, mature believers, steady.
Tunnel |
transition, way of escape, passage, trial, hope
Turkey |
foolish, clumsy, dumb, thanksgiving
Two story |
Multilevel situation, Spirit and flesh of a person or a church or ministry, double anointing
Unleavened |
Scriptures, Word of God, Christ
Upstairs |
Going higher in the Spirit, something that is of the Spirit, Upper room, Pentecost, thought, good or bad, prayer, Spiritual service.
Van |
family, fellowship
Vials |
entanglements, flesh, snares, city, nation, Christ True Vine
Vine |
entanglements, flesh, snares, city, nation, Christ True Vine
Vineyard |
Jewish Nation, God's Kingdom, growing in grace, peace, fruitful wife or church, worthlessness.
Volcano |
God's judgment, sudden reaction, trouble erupting
Vulture |
unclean, impure, greedy, evil person, scavenger
Wall |
defense, limitation, unbelief, obstacle
Wash basin |
repentance, self-justification
Washcloth |
apology, false doctrine
Watch |
intercession, being on guard, prophetic
Water |
spirit of man, spirit of the enemy, Word, Holy Spirit, refreshing
Water Fountain |
Holy Spirit, salvation
Watermelon |
time of refreshing
Water Well |
Holy Spirit
Weasel |
informant, betrayal, warning not to befriend former enemies, wicked, breaking promises, traitor
Wedding Dress |
covenant, deep relationship
Weeds |
removing issues, hindrances and tares that are choking out good growth from your life, bad habits, character flaws, neglect, fullness of iniquity |
Well |
sources of water of life |
West |
End, grace, death, last
Western |
Spiritual warring, pioneering spirit
Whale |
big impact in the things of the Spirit, going deep in the spirit
Wheel |
transport, circle speed, spiritual activity |
Whirlwind |
sweeping power, unable to resist, hurricane |
White Snake |
spirit of religion, occult
White Storm |
God's power, revival, outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Wind |
strong opposition (demonic), Holy Spirit
Window |
unguarded, exposed, blessing, truth, prophecy, vision, letting light in, spiritual sight, opportunity (as in an “open window of opportunity”).
Wine |
emotions, hate, Spirit, anger, joy, happiness, truth, revelation, delusion, love of God, love of the world, drunkenness
Wine skin |
spiritual structure
Wings |
prophet, demon, shelter, Holy Spirit
Winter |
waiting, death, not friendly
Wolf |
Satan, evil, false ministries, false teacher, predator
Wood |
lust, flesh, carnal minded, temporal
Work Area |
Service under development in the Spirit, or of God, work of the flesh.
Yard |
Public part of personal life, in back could be event that is behind or over or hidden.
Yoke |
slavery, servitude, fellowship
Zoo |
strange, chaos, commotion, very busy place, noisy strife.