
People Description
Angel messenger of God, healing spirits, angel of light, deceiver
Baby innocent, new ministry or responsibility, new beginnings, new idea, reward, fruitfulness, dependent, helpless, new birth, ministry in its infancy stage, new Christian, new move of God, immaturity, new covenant, miracle, natural birth, the Church, sin
Boss authority
Bride Christ's church, covenant, relationship, miraculous transformation
Brother the brother himself, spiritual brother in the church, someone similar qualities to you
Brother-in-law Minister involved in another church, yourself, same as a brother, adversity, the brother-in-law himself,
Carpenter Jesus, Preacher, someone who makes or mends, building something spiritually or naturally, evangelist, laborer
Child your gifts, innocence, spiritual fruit
Clown childishness, playing with God, work of the flesh, the carnal nature
Daughter ministry that is your child in the Spirit, Child of God, the child herself, look at similar traits in yourself
Demon messenger of Satan
Doctor Jesus, Healer, authority, wisdom of the world, minister, medical doctor
Driver One in control of ministry or life
Drunkard or Drug Addict Rebellion, Completely overcome in an addicted manner to something other than the Lord, self indulging, destruction, debased mind, controlled, under the influence of a spirit that is either righteous or wrong, poverty, slumber, unbridled lust, disorderly behavior
Employee Good or evil authority depending on the character and actions of the person in dream, Pastor, satan, Showing one who is in charge in a certain situation
Family Church family or natural family, assembly or team or group that is in covenant together
Famous person what the person represents to you.
Farmer Minister in any capacity, Pastor, Preacher, Sowing and reaping, rewards, harvest
Father Father God, the Holy Spirit, authority that is natural and/or spiritual, birthright, tradition, satan, head of household, natural father, provider
Father-in-law the actual father-in-law himself, same as father but under the law
Foreigner Not of the fold, someone to view with care, not a citizen of heaven (because of not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord), wanderer, cursed, no longer a part of the world
Friend Jesus, faithfulness, personal friend
Giant godly men, giant of the faith, strong, conquer, demons, defilement, strongman, stronghold, obstacle, trouble
Governor Person in charge in the church and/or natural, government, authority, the Lord, rule and reign
Grandchild Inherited blessing or iniquity, one's spiritual heritage, actual grandchild, ministry that came from someone who came out of your ministry, heir, virtue in the family. Righteous or unrighteous spiritual inheritance, past, wisdom.
Grandmother Righteous or unrighteous spiritual inheritance, past, wisdom.
Groom Christ the Bridegroom, marriage, headship, God
Guard Protection and defense, vigilance and sober mindedness, keep prisoners in prison, power; training of soul and flesh, God's ability to keep us.
Guest Angel, messenger, celebration, witnesses of God's sovereignty and justice, the Lord Jesus in our hearts, evil presence.
Harlot/Prostitute worldly desire, demon spirit of lust, spiritual apostasy, tempting situation, appealing to your flesh, Adultery, temptation, snare, covetousness, worldly church, enticement, unfaithful Israel or church, loves God much when forgiven.
Hijacker enemy wanting to take control of you or a situation
Husband Jesus Christ, actual person, satan, to be honored, ex-husband could be bondage to the world.
Indian firstborn, chief, first, flesh, savvy, native, fierce
Judge Father God, conscienceless toward sin or guilt, authority, satan, one anointed to make decisions, accuser, unjust, Jesus.
Lawyer Jesus Christ, our advocate, mediator, Satan, accuser of the brethren, legalism, counselor, prosecutor, defender
Man God's messenger, demonic messenger, evil motive, if a kind stranger: Jesus, Son of Man, humanity of Jesus.
Mob false accusation
Mother Holy Spirit, mother, nurturer, Church, Jerusalem, charity and love, comfort, Holy Spirit, meddler, mother herself, spiritual mother, teacher, tremendously evil end time apostate church.
Old person weakness, wisdom, Holy Spirit, carnal
Pastor compassion, spiritual caregiver, Representing God; wife of a preacher could be the church, spiritual authority
People Of our inner person
Policemen authority for good or evil, protector, spiritual authority, angels or demons, an enforcer of a curse of the Law
Prisoner a lost soul
Shepherd Jesus Christ, pastor, leader, selfless person, protector
Sister sister, friend, Christian friend
Soldier Spiritual warfare, God's ability to keep us, angel; warring in the Spirit, demon with the purpose of warring, persecution, working for the Lord.
Teacher Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, the revelation of God, important instruction, gift from God to the body, can be evil, five fold ministry, authority.
Thief Satan, deceiver, loss; works of the flesh, condemned if not repented of, cannot be named among the brethren, Jesus coming like a thief.
Twins double blessing or anointing, double trouble
Wife Israel, the wife herself, joined together, submission, Bride of Christ, Holy Spirit, covenant relationship, the church or the remnant, unfaithfulness or faithfulness in the natural things or the spiritual things, miraculous transformation.
Witch Rebellion, slander, non-submissive wife, lust for power and authority, church member, or employee, controlling spirit type of Jezebel, both in a male or a female, seduction, worldly church, forbidden.
Woman Angel, demon, witchcraft, seducing spirit, temptation, yourself.