
Color Description
Amber Presence and Glory of God in judgment, ornamentation, throne, anointing of fire, invitation from God, holiness, licentiousness, idolatry, defilement
Beryl Tribe of Zebulon
Black darkness, sin, calamity, famine, death, worldliness, neutral, moved with passion, soul rule, mystery
Blue anxiety, communion, depression, healing, heaven, revelation, Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Might, sorrow
Bronze forgiveness, atonement, pride, and judgement
Brown earth, dead, repentant, born again, without spirit, compassion, humility, humanism, dried out, compromise
Crimson/scarlet blood atonement, sacrifice
Crystal hail, smooth ice
Cyan will, perseverance, strong-willed
Gold refinement of the spirit, royalty, spirit, opulent Wealth, spiritual power, kingship, kingdom glory, God or gods, purity, holiness, idolatry, defilement, licentiousness
Gray maturity, honor, wisdom, weakness
Green conscience, envy, growth, jealousy, life, pride, prosperity, spiritual well-being, wealth, the Levites, intercession, The Counsel of God
Indigo Spirit of Knowledge
Ivory beauty, strength
Magenta emotions, love, hate
Orange Fire of God, harvest, danger, harm, power, force, energy, Spirit of Wisdom, perseverance, stubbornness, witchcraft, strong-willed
Pink flesh, sensual, female rebellion, femininity, Immoral, chaste, childlike, love of God
Purple Apostle and Bishop's color, kingship, royalty, authority, intercession, rule, false authority or Jezebel
Red anger, anointing, blood, love, passion, power, sacrifice, sin, warfare, the Spirit of the Lord, wisdom
Sapphire Tribe of Dan
Silver redemption, grace, legalism, slavery, domination
Violent Reverential Fear of the Lord
White Spirit of the Lord, purity, righteousness, victory, triumph, holiness, success, light, religious spirit
Yellow illumination, insight, gift of God, marriage, family, honor, deceitful gift, timidity, fear, cowardliness, Enlightenment, golden, revelation, mind, hope, joy, courage, Spirit of Understanding, intellectual, pride, caution