Body Parts

Body Parts Description
Ankle faith and receiving strength, movement, connection, flexibility, Faith: Weak, ankles =weak faith, unsupported, undependable
Arm Jesus reaching out to help or show mercy, connection, weakness, Savior, deliverer, helper, striker, God's power and strength.
Back family values, vulnerability, past
Bald head lacking wisdom
Beard maturity, covering, old age and wisdom, humanity
Belly Being one's own spirit or heart, desire, lust, heart, feelings, selfishness, self-worship, sickness
Bones Spirit, condition of the heart, death, that which is eternal, desire, lust, heart, feelings, selfishness, self-worship, sickness
Breasts sensitive, provider, compassion, nurture
Chest sensitive, provider, compassion, nurture
Elbow working hard, pushing through, flexibility
Eyes the eye is the doorway to the soul., Represents covetousness or desire for God's heart. Eyes could also represent envy of other's possessions, prophetic gifting, seer, clarity, spiritual perception
Eye Teeth revelatory understanding, perception, listener
Face Being made in His image or likeness, one's own heart, shameful, fear of rejection or being judged, true self, honor, self-image, identity
Feet Act or gesture of humility, immaturity, unwise in a situation, lack of compassion, support, foundation
Finger the spirit or conviction of God, connection, direction
Forehead thought life, mindset, belief systems
Hair Beauty, strength, covering or one's glory, breaking a religious tradition or covenant, wisdom and anointing
Hands Works or deeds, Shaking one's hand covenant or agreement; spiritual warfare or idolatry in one's heart, relationship, healing
Head Having authority and God's government, renewed, mind, thinking, power and authority being broken
Heart love, compassion
Heel resist, vulnerability
Hips passion, identity
Immobilized Body Parts Spiritual hindrance, demonic attack
Knees Submitting to God's spirit, serve and worship God in spirit and truth, stubborn, idolatry before God, prayer, humility
Legs strength, advancement, your walk, daily life
Lips talker, speech, tenderness, articulate
Loins Reproduction, truth, or offense toward loved one's or God.
Middle finger evangelist, offensive, sales oriented
Mouth gossip, articulation, communication, speech
Nails spiritual warfare, fashion, beauty
Nakedness transparent, vulnerable, undone, exposed, open
Neck support, strength, stiff-necked, stubborn, direction
Nose discernment, being nosy or a busybody in other's affairs, strife or trouble, wisdom gift
Pinky finger teaching, instructor
Pointer finger prophetic, give direction
Ring finger pastor, compassionate
Shoulders strength, burden bearer, helper
Side relationship, friendship
Stomach digest, ability or inability to understand
Teeth Gaining or losing wisdom, working out own salvation, understanding, comprehension, strength
Thigh faith, strength
Thumb apostolic, change, administrative
Toes balance, stretch
Tongue speech, talking, gossip
Wisdom Teeth ability to act in wisdom
Wrist connection, flexibility