
Animal Description
Alligator Bending, crooked, meandering, snake, monster, devious, distorted, ancient demon, large, evil creature that cannot be tamed with the natural strength of man, principality, evil spirit, ancient demonic control, only the Lord has power over, dragon, danger, destruction, slander and gossip, aggression.
Ant hardworking, ability to prepare, wisdom
Bat Night dweller, thought of to suck blood, unclean, flying creature often related to witchcraft and vampires, unstable, flighty, fear
Bear Evil men, danger (if one plays dead, a bear will not pursue them, so be crucified and die daily), Russia, wicked ruler over poor people, vindictiveness that is severe, antichrist of the last days, end time dominion and rule, financial matters as in, bear market, economic loss, judgment, strength, opposition
Beaver industrious, busy, diligent, clever, ingenious
Bees Busy bodies, gossip, group of people,  can produce sweet honey, or sting and wound, enemies that crowd around us.
Bird Holy Spirit, evil spirits, wicked rulers, nations that are hostile, Kingdom of God, a mother's love, God's provision.
Black Cat witchcraft
Black Horse feminine,  bad times, evil
Black Panther high level witchcraft, demonic activity, works in darkness
Blue Bird revelation and healing news coming, spiritual joy, happy life, contentment, depression
Bull persecution, spiritual warfare, opposition, bullheaded, reproduction, accusation, economic increase, false prophecy
Camel A servants heart, endurance, long journey, to bear the load.
Cat Unclean spirit, danger lying in wait, crafty, mysterious, strong self will, witchcraft, someone that is unattainable, unless personal pet. In the case of a personal pet, a cat can mean something or someone dear to your heart. 
Cheetah Unclean, swift, fast, predator
Chicken A gatherer, to mother, Israel, bragging, fear, cowardliness, gossip
Cockroach Represents lies, Areas hidden in your heart, defiling thoughts, unclean
Colt bearing the burden of others, or stubbornness
Cow blessing, idol, wealth, sacred cow, cash cow, The young, believers who are sanctified, agile, sacrifice, food, playful, Worship of golden, immorality, great sin, punishment, an apostasy, blood of is not sufficient, evil men, mighty men, God's sacrifice and strength, ashes of sacrifice kept, mixed with water to purify, slaughtered and burned outside the camp, for sacrifice must be without blemish and never been in bondage to sin (never yoked), fall short of the sacrifice of Christ, expediency that is not proper, festive joy with shame.
Crab not easy to approach, has a tough exterior, crabs in a barrel, stronghold, spirit of cancer
Crane Alone, chatter, burden lifting, powerful salvation ministry, timely, burden
Crayfish opulence
Crocodile Bending, crooked, meandering, snake, monster, devious, distorted, ancient demon, large, evil creature that cannot be tamed with the natural strength of man, principality, evil spirit, ancient demonic control, only the Lord has power over, dragon
Crow confusion, outspoken, operating in envy or strife, hateful, unclean, God’s minister of justice or provision
Deer Seeking water, ability to leap, quickness in stride, comeliness, our soul longing for the Lord.
Dinosaur A high level of demonic attack, spiritual wickedness in high places, antichrist, Satan.
Dog biting dog is dissension, hypocrite, attack against God’s work, accusation, something or someone dear to your heart, pet sin, or warning you of an attack on the sheep, false teachers
Donkey Hard headed, endurance, self willed, single-minded, determined, and unyielding, riding: victory over self will and humility.
Dove The Holy Spirit, peace and new life, a sin offering, burnt offering, cleansing, mercy.
Dragon A high level of demonic attack, spiritual wickedness in high places, antichrist, Satan.
Eagle Soaring in the Spirit, good or evil leader, strength, power, and swiftness in both judgment and in delivering God's people from trouble, the United States of America, Prophet of God.
Elephant invincible or thick skinned, not easily offended, powerful, large, having great, impact, storing memory, old memory, long pregnancy
Feathers Protection, shield, provision of ability to fly and sore.
Fish The newly saved, men's souls, clean and unclean men or spirits, miraculous provision of food in mass.
Flea Not substantial, annoyance, subtle, inconvenience.
Fly Beelzebub, Demons, corruption of the house or possession by demonic spirits of the person.
Fowler To mesmerize; to be trapped.
Fox Secret sins, crafty man, enemies of the cross, skill for evil; desolation and crying in the night, divining prophets, suck the life flow from lambs (blood).
Frog Demon spirits, lying nature, sorcery, speaking curses.
Goat Carnal, fleshly Christians, unbelief, Christian or group of Christians walking in sin, the cursed, scapegoat, opposite of lambs, carriers of sin, our need to obtain forgiveness of sin, mixed with sheep, but not called the shepherds own.
Grasshopper Trouble and devastation to crops, instrument of God's judgment upon nations that are rebellious, destroyer, subordinate position, numbers of a mighty army, encumberment, trivial, good for eating.
Hawk predator, sorcerer, evil spirit, a person who is for war
Hare fast, hasty, quick
Hen one who gathers, protects
Horse Instruments of battle, power and strength of the flesh, time period of work, a powerful work of God on the earth, in the Spirit, tenaciousness, single-mindedness and aggressiveness, in transportation: battle, not to trust in over the name of the Lord.
Lamb Jesus as our sacrifice, true believers, gentleness, blamelessness and purity led to the slaughter, saints, the church, Israel.
Leviathan Bending, crooked, meandering, snake, monster, devious, distorted, ancient demon, large, evil creature that cannot be tamed with the natural strength of man, principality, evil spirit, ancient demonic control, only the Lord has power over, dragon.
Leopard swiftness, sometimes associated with vengeance, predator, danger
Lice Accusation, shame, plague
Lion Jesus “Lion of the tribe of Judah”, royalty, kingship, bravery; confidence, Satan seeking to destroy
Lizard devil, unclean spirit, clinging
Lobster not easy to approach
Locusts An unclean people, legalistic Christians, dull minded to spiritual things, phony and hypocritical, a foolish woman, false teachers, detestable things.
Maggot decay, disobedience, death, judgment, feeding on the flesh
Mice something small that brings destruction, devourer, curse, plague, timid
Millipede pest, annoyance
Mole spiritual blindness
Monkey foolishness, clinging, mischief, dishonesty, addiction
Monster evil spirit, demon, fear
Mosquito spiritaul pest, spiritual parasite, irritation, evil spirit that sapa the life out of you
Moth rotten, decay, corruption, judgment
Mountain Lion Satan, enemy, predator seeking to destroy
Octopus Jezebel Spirit because of the tentacles
Owl Wisdom through earthly means or from above, evil spirit, unclean spirit, night creature, routinely secluded
Ox slow change, subsistence
Pig unclean, unsaved, legalistic, false teachers, unbeliever, gluttonous
Rabbit Satan, evil spirits, pagan celebration of Easter, rapid multiplication
Raccoon mischief, night raider, rascal, thief, bandit, deceitful
Ram sacrifice
Rat feeds on garbage or impurities, unclean spirit, invader
Raven evil, Satan
Red Horse persecution, anger, danger, opposition
Rooster Alarm, time to wake up, new beginning, reproduction, faithless betrayer, boasting, bragging
Scorpion Evil spirits, sin nature, burdens that are heavy, lust of the flesh, deception, a stringing deadly pain, satanic, spirit of the antichrist, poisonous
Serpent Satan, evil spirits
Sheep the people of God, innocent, vulnerable, humility, submission, sacrifice
Skunk “stinking up” a situation, unforgiveness, bitterness, bad attitude
Sloth slow moving, easy prey, vulnerable
Snake deception, lies, Satan, unforgiveness, bitterness
Sparrow small value but precious, watched by the Lord
Tiger danger, powerful minister, soul power, demonic spirit
Tortoise slow moving, slow change, steady, old, old way of doing something, wise
Turkey foolish, clumsy, dumb, thanksgiving
Vulture scavenger, unclean, impure, an evil person, greedy
Weasel wicked, breaking promises, informant or tattletale, traitor
Whale big impact in the things of the Spirit, going deep in the spirit
White Horse salvation, rescue, redeem, royalty
Wolf Satan and evil, false ministries, false teachers, predator
Worm Detested, disease, humility, no dignity, filthiness of the flesh, destruction, eat off of flesh, destructive to vines and tree, crucified Messiah