
Actions Description
Abortion When you dream of having an abortion at the hospital or at home it is a sign that the devil is attacking your greatness, your power, your spiritual strength, and the vision the Lord has given to you.
Adultery Spiritual adultery, actual adultery, sexual sin, idolatry, pornography.
Anoint Set apart divine appointment in service, prayer for the sick, sanctification.
Artist's paint Words, illustrative message, eloquent, humorous, articulate.
Asleep refreshment, spiritual stupor, indifference, rest, watchfulness, alertness, resurrection from the sleep of death
Awakening Discernment, attentive to wiles of the devil, watchman, sober, stimulated to act
Baking Hospitality, God's provision, worship
Banqueting festival time
Baptizing Burial of the old lifestyle, total submersion in something, repentance, preparation for the coming Kingdom, death, burial, resurrection, an inner conversion, overwhelmed by water or the Holy Spirit
Barrenness Unable to be productive for the life of the Spirit, rejection, cursed, judgment, unfruitful, death of the Spirit, death of a ministry
Bathing Cleansing, repentance, totally clean, temptation, purification, ceremonial cleansing, Jewish ritual, before performing duties of the priesthood.
Begging for Alms enemy wants you to be poverty-stricken, the devil wants your helpers to turn their backs on you.
Bleeding wounded, hurt, naturally dying,emotionally dying, spiritually dying, offended, in strife, gossip, unclean
Boxing striving, preaching, deliverance, trail, tribulation
Chasing reveal enemies that are at work, coming against your life and purpose or they may indicate the passionate pursuit of God in your life, and you towards him.
Chewing receiving wisdom and understanding, if chewing bubble gum, then childishness, foolishness, if chewing on tough meat, then a hard saying or difficult work.
Choking Hindrance, Too much too fast, hatred, an obstacle that hinders, opposite of breathing in the Holy Spirit.
Crawling Unclean, humility, to have been cursed, disgraced, snake, idol worship.
Crying Grief, sorrow, anguish, repentance, prayer, judgment, humility, sadness, sometimes tears of joy
Dancing Worship, spiritual sacrifice, joy, rejoice, idolatry, seduction, whirling, evil and sensual, victory, return of a son.
Difficult Walking Trials, opposition.
Dirty Swimming Pool Corrupt or destitute spiritual condition, backslide.
Drawing Covering, regenerate, remodel, renovate, love.
Dreaming a message within a message, instruction from God, a revelation of God's will or the future, keep dreamer from some evil, a vision; a deep Spiritual truth.
Drinking Consuming upon own lust, fellowship, as in wine and communion, whether good or evil, drinking in the Holy Spirit, under the power of sorrow, affliction, overcome, idolatry, under a strong delusion, from the blood of the saints (persecution), cup of the crucified life.
Drowning Overcome, self-pity, depression, grief, being in debt, suffering, temptation, to backslide.
Drought Blessings withheld because of sin, without God's presence.
Dry Swimming Pool Corrupt or destitute spiritual condition, backslide.
Dying something passing away or departing from your life.
Eating Experience, covenant, agreement, partake, friendship, fellowship, devour, consume, consuming wisdom, meditation, digesting the Word of God, forbidden fruit, no blood, no unclean foods, gluttony, adoption.
Falling fall into sin, unsupported, loss of support, trial, succumb, separation from God, backsliding, born in sin, power of God to change, to be depraved, evil heart, corrupted, bondage to satan or/and sin, spiritually blind.
Feeding To be supplied in a spiritual or supernatural way, narcissism, works that are righteous, basic teaching, change in basic traits of one's nature, to become impure in character.
Flying Spirit, minister, prophet, Holy Spirit, defense and shelter, call or ability of move in the higher things of God, understanding the spirit realm of God
Gardening Increase, work, ministry, church, pleasant, fruitfulness, prospering, pastime, a field of labor.
Going through Doors These types of dreams may reveal change is coming. New ways, new opportunities, and new advancements are on the way.
House painter's brush Ministry or minister.
Ironing Correction, change, sanctification, exhortation, instruction in righteousness, God's discipline, repentance, work.
Kicking betrayal, rebellion, persecution.
Kiss Agreement, covenant, enticement, betrayal, covenant breaker, deception, seduction, friend.
Kneeling Submission, worship, prayer, total surrender.
Laughing Rejoicing, the joy of worship and walk with God, sarcasm.
Lifting Hands Worship and adoration, praise, total surrender.
Limping Shortcomings, weakness, inconsistency, not fit for the priesthood.
Miscarriage losing something at the preparatory stage, whether good or bad, plans aborted
Moving Change in ministry, change in the natural, dissatisfaction with where you are.
Overslept Danger of missing a divine appointment.
Paint Doctrine, truth or deception.
Painting Covering, regenerate, remodel, renovate, love.
Playing childlikeness, innocence, spiritual immaturity, sign of peace, worship, idolatry, covetousness, true worship, spiritual warfare, striving, competition.
Pregnancy in process of reproducing, waiting for birth of ministry, preparatory stage, promise of God, Word of God as seed, prophetic word, desire, anticipation, expectancy, purposes of God preparing to come forth
Raining God's Word and Spirit outpoured, life, revival, Holy Spirit, trial, disappointment.
Reaping Fruitfulness for acts, perverse or uprightness deeds being rewarded.
Rending Anger, deep grief, discord, and disunity.
Rocking Old, past memories, meditation, rest, retirement, spiritual retirement, prayer.
Rowing Work, working out life's problems, earnest prayer, self-effort, doing things in your own strength, opposing the Holy Spirit, spiritual labor.
Running Swiftness, striving, to outrun your enemy, working out one's salvation, faith, haste, trial, fearful, if running away
Serving Serving Others In Your Dream- If you dream of always serving others, it is the spirit of slavery.
Sex Whenever you dream of getting married to an unknown man it is a sign of a spiritual marriage. Sometimes it is the ancestral spirit that marries people in the family. It is also an initiation into family curses.
Shave horn of strength, power.
Shower Reveals things that are in the process of being flushed out of your life, cleansed, and flushed away.
Singing Rejoicing; thanksgiving; prayer; praise; worship of God or of idols.
Sitting Power, throne of authority, rulership, Rest, position, concentration, receiving, place of authority, the inner court of the temple, throne of God, satanic powers, mercy seat, Kingship of the Lord.
Skiing Faith, support by God's power through faith, fast progress.
Sleeping Indifference, death, rest, unconscious, unaware (hidden or covered), ignorant, danger, laziness, refreshing, spiritual stupor, indifference.
Smiling Friendly, kindness, benevolent, goodwill, without offense, seduction.
Sowing Dispersing seed, seed can be righteous or evil.
Speaking Thunder, compelling, words of Christ, an indication to open the door of our hearts to receive Jesus, sound of many waters, but sheep know HIS voice, sign of a covenant, requires obedience, important to test the spirit by the Word, language, speech, can be used for good or evil, blessings, cursing, something only God can tame, life and death in its power, can start a fire for good or evil.
Sprinkling Washing for cleansing, consecrating.
Standing Incomplete task, virtue, standing on or committed to a point of view or belief.
Straight Sitting, Standing or Walking: Going in the right direction, not crooked spiritually, unyielding.
Stammering the devil has attacked the power of your words, your words are being attacked in the spirit world.
Stumbling Barrier in the way preventing the truth, sin, backslide, mistake, become deceived, to be overcome, ignorance.
Suicide Self-destructive, self-hatred, grief, remorse, foolish action.
Sweating The effort of man, fleshly works, striving in the flesh.
Sweeping Cleaning house, repentance, change, actively taking barriers down, admonishment of sinners.
Swimming Conducting spiritual activity, worship, gifts of the Spirit being applied, service to God, prophecy in operation.
Swimming Pool Spiritual place or condition, church, home, family, God's blessings.
Swinging Peaceful, rest, quietness, romance, fellowship.
Swinging High Danger, thrill seeking, immorality, infidelity.
Tasting Experience, discern, try, test, judge.
Upward Motion Prophetic church of great revelation, high places, above earthly experience, higher spiritual things, spiritual ascension, pride, self-exaltation, strength, protection, safety, Tower of Babel, dominance, control, obstacle, Jesus returning from the heavens to earth, symbolic of victory, Jesus being lifted up on the cross, wisdom that comes from above, Mt. Zion, sacrifice of worship, Mt. Sinai and the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple, Songs of ascent unto Him, Mt. Carmel, Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount.
Urinating If full, pressure, compelling urge, temptation, repentance, if infection or cancer: offense or enmity.
Walking Progress, living in the Spirit, living in sin, the conduct of the dreamer or their lifestyle and actions.
Warring Total destruction, death, great ruin, prayer and worship, final war in heaven and in earth.
Wind Blowing Powers of God or satan, breathe of life, spirit or doctrine, Holy Spirit, demonic or strong opposition, empty words such as boasting, vanity, calamity, God's adjudication and correction and quota or portion, demise and failure of man, false teaching.
Wrestling Striving, deliverance, resistance, persistence, trial, tribulation, controlling spirit (in a person), attempting to gain control.