Vazhinji vangade kuziva kuti which of these basic records atinofanirwa kuchengetedza tarisai padzasi:
Keeping these records will help you:
Sales : ( Rinogona kunge riri bepa or book ravakanyorera) And this should include how much you sell per day, per week and per month, including the date, type of product or service and the amount of each sale.
Accounts payable : Rinogona kunge riri bepa or book ravakanyorera lists of the money that your business owes other people or businesses.(Mari dzezvinhu zvavakahodha nechikwereti) Include how much is owed, to whom, when payment is due and the date you paid it. Keeping a solid accounts payable book or paper will prevent you from being charged for the same product or service more than once. It’s also useful to track discounts offered for early payments to help yourself remember to take advantage of them.
Accounts receivable : ( Iri ibepa or book rine list of the money that other people or businesses owe to your business for goods or services the your business delivered. (Mari dzezvinhu zvakatorwa nechikereti kubvakwauri) This paper or book includes a list of customers who owe you money, how much they owe and when the payment is due. You can also include a list of customers who should not be provided with credit due to past failure to pay. For each record, include the date, customer name, amount, date collected and status.
Business expenses : Here you’ll record the total amount of business expenses you have, such as rent, electricity, salaries and supplies. This paper or book should include date, a description of each expense and the amount.
Purchase order: A document which shows the official confirmation of an order by a buyer committing to pay the seller for the sale of a specific product or service in the future.
Contracts: Whether you sign a supply agreement with a supplier, rent a new piece of equipment or take out a business insurance policy, you should keep a copy of the contract in your records. Keeping a copy of any contracts can also help you prevent disagreements in the future. kusanganisira nema contracts of partnership kana uchiita business neshamwari or neveukama.
Customer list: Depending on your business, it can be smart to keep track of your customers' information so you can advertise deals or new products. Include the customer name, products bought, phone number, email and delivery address. You should keep these documents this sensitive information safe.
Saka ma (records) aya anochengeterwa kuti mangwana mukazonetsana ne Government/council official vachiti hamuna kubhadhara mutero, it could be a customer, supplier,business partner or employee momabuditsa even mukasvitsana kucourt vomabunisa pamberi pedare.Many small business varikuruza nyaya dzavo kumatare nekuti vanenge vasina mapepa aya. kana kuti business kuparara vanhu matadza kunzwisisana uchidzi vakadya mari.