Happy Valentines Day! Our reading today is Numbers 16-18 and Luke 1. In Numbers 16 we discover the rebellion and the penalty for Korah. 14,000 plus 700 and the 3 leaders. All died and remember it was Moses that stood between them and God to stay the plague. Moses was a real man of God mighty in word and deed. In Chapter 17 we have the staff of Inheritance chosen by God. Chapter 18 we have offerings for the Levites and the Red Heifer, a type of Christ. In Luke's Gospel we find in chapter 1 the Magnificat of our Lord's Birth and His person. What a birth and we ask our older members to be out and about carefully until Spring officially arrives. Take your vitamins and lift up your hands in praise to His Name. Happy Birthday Jesus. Read carefully verses 73-80. 

Pray for Will Padgett at 6 this morning, David at 7 and Janet at 7:30. Our God is The Great God and He cares for each person. 
