As I write today's daily walk it is 58 degrees and with a light drizzle. Expected high today of 70 degrees. Our Bible reading brings us to Exodus 23-25 and in the New Testament, we read Matthew 25. C.H. Spurgeon wrote "To serve God is in itself a high delight. But what an added privilege to have the blessing of the Lord resting upon us in all things! Our commonest things become blessed when we ourselves are consecrated to the Lord. " Look at verse 25 in chapter 23. In chapter 24 Moses is called up into the mount and look at verse 4 where Moses wrote all the Words of the Lord. Did you see the use of hornets in chapter 23 as God's own army to make Israel's conquest of the land easy? In chapter 25 we witness the gathering of materials for the Tabernacle which would be the center of national life for 500 years. The Tabernacle would typify the work of our Saviour Jesus Christ. In Matthew 25 we have the five wise and five foolish virgins. Charles Ryrie says the virgins represent the professing Jewish remnant on earth at the return of Christ Jesus. The aim is to exhort readiness for His return. 

Pray one for another and pray for a good harvest of souls.
