Good Morning as we face a cold week-end. Be sure to remove your outside hoses from your water outlets to keep them from freezing.  Our reading for today is Exodus 8-10 and Matthew 20. According to Matthew 20, the householder needs laborers in his vineyard and hires them up until the 11th hour. Mr. Spurgeon likens this to the senior saints that will be hired up to the quitting time of their lives. Could there be work for you in our Lord's harvest even at this late date? Don't be concerned about who has the greatest position but do the work and remember the greatest will be they that are the servants. This chapter closes with the healing of two blind men sitting by the side of the road. Miracles come to those who will not be silent. In Exodus we find nine plagues in groups of three plague the Egyptians. In verse 19 of chapter 8 the Egyptian magicians acknowledge that these are from the finger of God. Pharaoh tried to bargain on three occasions: Worship God but do it in Egypt, Worship God but don't go far away, Worship God but leave the children in Egypt. Be in the world but be of the world. Sounds like Satan was involved with the call of compromise to the people of God in Moses's time as he is in our time. Egypt had many false gods and the plagues were directed toward the gods of Egypt. Egyptians believed the god Serapis would protect them from the locusts, but this false god failed, and the locusts blocked their view of their sun god Re. God took away the light from the Egyptians and there was a thick darkness for three days. Where was their Sun god?  Once again, a false god can help no one for he does not exist. 

Pray one for another.  Pray for Teresa Anderson and Sister Pat Baumgartner and Russell Mathis and his entire family as Charles his brother suffers from cancer.  Remember the business meeting tonight at 6 PM.
